

Sketchbook 2019

This 40-page sketchbook, one of 700 signed and numbered copies, contains the best of the artist’s sketches, pencil drawings and studies created in 2019.
Original artworks

Sharkey the Bounty Hunter n°5 cover

Una delle cover di Sharkey preferite di Simone, per la naturalezza con cui Sharkey appoggia il peso del prorio corpo sul robot e contemporaneamente alza il braccio destro senza fatica, dando la sensazione che la pistola non abbia alcun peso. A Giugno 2019 la copertina originale è stata parte della personale presso il Centro Le Ciminiere di Catania...

Sketchbook 2018

Sketchbook containing the best of the artist’s sketches, pencil drawings and studies created in 2018.

Sketchbook 2017

Collection of sketches, studies and preparatory drawings for the most significant covers created in 2017, with a large section dedicated to Spiderman.
Original Signed Comic Books

Gunslinger 17 signed

One of the 4 Spawn comic books that were published in the US in February 2023, when Simone was Artist Spotlight and signed all regular covers for the Spawn titles. 


A hardback volume measuring 21.5 x 31.5 cm which contains a selection of works over 100 pages which represent the creative path taken by Simone in his work for the most prestigious comic book publishers.

Art Sketchbook - Artbook

A hardback artbook of 136 pages containing a selection of the best preliminary sketches, pencil drawings and intermediate phases of covers, commissions and illustrations created and published by Simone Bianchi over the last twelve years.

Marvel Masterpieces - Artbook

A hardback artbook containing all 135 paintings from the Marvel Masterpieces 2018 collection, created by Simone Bianchi for Upper Deck, each depicting one of Marvel’s best-known characters.
Lithographic Prints

Captain America

Screen print of Captain America in a limited edition of 500 signed copies on 300 gsm Fedrigoni paper. Dimensions: 25.5 x 43 cm.Printed in Tuscany, Italy. Important: the postage and handling cost for lithographic prints is a set amount for up to ten pieces!
Lithographic Prints


Screen print in a limited edition of 400 signed copies on 400 gsm Fedrigoni paper.The dimensions are 43 x 31.5 cm. Important: the postage and handling cost for lithographic prints is a set amount for up to ten pieces!
Lithographic Prints


Screen print in a limited edition of 400 signed of the illustration of Daredevil.
Lithographic Prints

Lucca Comics and Games 2005-2021 celebrative print

This print in 150 signed copies celebrates the reopening year of Lucca Comics and Games in 2021, after the 2020 stop. In the second version, which raised 16 years after it was painted as official poster for the 2005show. The color palette has been reworked and today the dominating color is green. Below, the original 2005 poster. Important: the shipping...
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